Guidance for Disclosure on Human Rights Due Diligence in Mining Sector Procurement
This guidance was created with funding from GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). The objective of this publicly available guidance is to support mining sector companies in sharing information on how they conduct human rights due diligence (HRDD) during the procurement of goods and services, and as a result, improve their due diligence processes.
By following this guidance, mining companies will provide all the information required to satisfy the needs of due diligence legislation, sustainability and reporting standards in use by the mining sector, as well as criteria from Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) rating agencies. In working to provide all this information, mining companies will identify gaps in their current approach to due diligence during procurement, charting a path towards improvements in their policies and procedures to make them compliant with all law and standards.
For help implementing the guidance, please contact us and we are happy to work with all mining companies and their stakeholders.
Module Spreadsheets
Each module of our Guidance for Disclosure on Human Rights Due Diligence in Mining Sector Procurement has a spreadsheet version that can be used internally by mining companies and consultants to collect information on all components of due diligence legislation, mining sector standards and ESG rating criteria.
These spreadsheets allow for a gap analysis to drive company performance to be compliant with each and every possible due diligence legislation out there, meet the requirements of all the key sector standard, and to obtain maximum ESG ratings.
Download all the spreadsheets here
Download all files together here